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Father's Day - June 19 2022

Writer's picture: TeamAutumnTeamAutumn

Hi everyone, a happy Father’s Day to all our dads, step-dads, and EVERYONE who takes on the role of dad out there, hope all of you had a great weekend!

What a jam-packed, crazy few weeks we’ve had, lots of adventures and crazy moments!

Autumn finished her last round of low-dose chemotherapy at the end of May, and she has been enjoying plenty of time between Mom’s and Dad’s house. At least twice a week, little Autumn goes to the hospital for blood work to see if transfusions are needed. We had to visit the Emergency Department in Guelph recently as Autumn banged her head on a piece of wood at the park. Other than a goose egg and some bruising, she held it together strongly like a champ. Doctors also ran tests and X-rays on a new lump that was found behind her knee, and it was discovered that she has a benign mass (lipoma) that’s growing which is causing her to have “pins and needle” feelings in her legs and making it difficult for her to walk long distances.

About 10 days ago, her x-rays and scans of her cancerous tumour in her chest showed that it had slightly decreased in size, and that doctors and surgeons were confident that this would be a great time to remove it. Her surgery to remove the tumour is scheduled for this coming Thursday, June 23rd, which is a long surgery (8-10 hours) with her recovery being split between ICU and the Oncology floor at SickKids. PLEASE keep her in your thoughts on that day, and all 4 of us parents, as well as other family members, will be downtown Toronto looking after one another.

In these last few weeks though, Autumns energy and high spirit has not dropped. Autumn celebrated Olivia’s 1st birthday with all her family and friends, she visited her school and got to spend time with her friends and classmates from JK, she’s been to the park, she’s spent quality time with her family and grandparents and friends; she’s had a busy few weeks.

Please enjoy these photos, and as always, thank you to everyone for reaching out to us, for messaging, for calling, spending time with Autumn, and caring and helping our families. We could not do all of this without you!

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