Good evening everyone!!!! (4 exclamation points because it’s been a great week)
Firstly, thank you so much to all who have joined this group in the past week, the amount of love and care we get from the messages and comments are overwhelmingly appreciative.

Autumn came home last Wednesday from SickKids Hospital in Toronto after her 4th round of chemotherapy. Seven hours of chemo for two days straight, and other than a little crankiness (which is expected when you have to see MY face all the time), she did GREAT! No nausea, no fever.
Instead, we enjoyed listening to, take a guess…. YES, you got it, ENCANTO. Autumn got to spend a day in beautiful Elora with Mommy Sarah and Karl and Nana Stella, we had a little get together with our neighbours in Guelph who played with her and catered to her every demand , and just enjoyed every single day to its fullest.
Autumn is now at Daddy Jody and Rachel’s house and is already enjoying this beautiful weather and spending time with her little sister Olivia!